Dr. Prit Kaur

Teaching, Research and Service

Summary 2018-2024: Teaching, Research and Service

Between 2018-2024, I maintain certifications for online teaching, graduate faculty status, teaching of writing-intensive courses and IRB CITI in Social Sciences. In 2021, I received Ten-Year Successful Teaching Recognition Certificate. In 2015, I received the Faculty Recognition Award for my strong influence on student academic success and a Staff Appreciation Award. My average score from Chair’s Annual Evaluations in each of the three areas of teaching, research and service have been 3.5 (exceeds expectations) on a 4-point scale. Based on feedback of approximately 1600 students who have attended my courses, my student evaluation scores on average continuously have been 4.0 – 4.5 on a 5-point scale.

Between 2018 -2024, as highlighted in yellow in the curriculum vitae, I have five peer-reviewed articles, one book chapter, one refereed proceeding paper, one conference session report, three articles accepted, 8 conference presentations, 18 conference participations, 4 participations as discussants, chaired two sessions and served as reviewer of a grant. Additionally, based on my research, I have two projects approved, sponsored and active in one of the premier organizations, International Associate of Women Police.

Between 2018-2024, as highlighted in the curriculum vitae, I have reviewed 22 journal articles, served on the virtual engagement committee of IAWP to upgrade the training needs of the women police officers, sponsored a travel grant for women police officers to participate in academic conferences, served on the PhD Committee of a student and serving at the PhD Committee of another student. Served as Senator of my college, faculty advisor of AUM Indian student organization (ISO) and won Chancellors Cup and $1000 cash prize. I served on 20 professional, university, college and department committees.

COURSES and Consultation

Undergraduate Courses (Teaching modes – Face to Face, Hybrid, Online):

  • JUST 1150: Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • JUST 1170: Crime and Justice in the Cyber Space (With Collage Associate Dean)
  • JUST 3200: Cybercrime and Cyber Victimization
  • JUST 3210: Cyber Laws, Legislation & Policies
  • JUST4400: Police Community Relations
  • JUST 4750: Survey of Crime Theories
  • JUST 4460: Juvenile Justice Administration
  • JUST 4100: Women in Criminal Justice
  • JUST 4700: Research Methods and Grant Writing
  • JUST 4200: Comparative Criminal Justice
  • Peer Mentorship Opportunities
  • JUST 4930: Directed Research
  • JUST 4924: Internship

Graduate Courses (Teaching Modes – Face to Face, Hybrid, Online):

  • JUST 6250: Cybercrime and Cyber Victimology
  • JUST 6230: Cyber Laws, Legislation & Policies
  • JUST 6750: Survey of Crime Theories
  • JUST 6610: Juvenile Justice Administration
  • JUST 6100: Women in Criminal Justice
  • JUST 6700: Research Methods and Grant Writing
  • JUST 6200: Comparative Criminal Justice
  • JUST 6932: Directed Research
  • JUST 6924: Internship
  • JUST6983Comps
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